046 - Prebiotics, Probiotics And Gut Health With Dr. Jason Hawrelak

How To Nourish Your Microbiome Daily; A Wholistic Perspective.

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In this episode we talk to Dr. Jason Hawrelak. He is a leading clinician, researcher, naturopath and lecturer in the area of probiotics. Jason completed his PHD on dysbiosis in irritable bowels and how to change the microbiome using herbs, prebiotics and probiotics. He is well regarded in the probiotics community worldwide, and has authored many papers on the microbiome, the GI tract and pre and pro-biotics. 

He’s the lead researcher for probioticadvisor.com and a professor here in Australia and in the US. 

Find out all about Jason at probioticadvisor.com 

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On this episode we’re also featuring a fabulous song called Church of Fermentation by Samara Jade.

You can check her out on Bandcamp or purchase the song Church of Fermentation

May the beneficial microbes be with you!